Bioview System

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    The Bioview automated image capture and analysis system is designed to support the rapid analysis and reporting of results, reducing the turnaround time for experiments in genetic cell biology, pathology, and cytology in the laboratory. The applications of the Bioview automated system are suitable for laboratory needs, providing solutions to streamline work processes, from the number of samples to the ability to operate manually, semi-automatically, or completely automatically. Bioview is committed to continuously updating new applications for necessary tests while maintaining advantages in optical solutions, analysis, and workflow optimization to strengthen its leading position in the current automated microscopy market.

    The Bioview system provides a full range of imaging and analysis applications for FDA-cleared (clinical) and Research Use tests for genetic cell biology, cancer, and anatomical pathology laboratories. This system serves as a bridge between user needs and advancements in hardware technology to meet the increasing demands of the future.

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